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## 参考文档进行配置学习
## 1. 具体概述
Example for 2.x or 3.x or 4.x please see tags in `${tag}`
[Apache ShardingSphere](
## download source code
git clone
## compile source code
git clone
cd shardingsphere
mvn clean install -Prelease
## 2. 项目结构
├── example-core 示例核心,主要是讲如何整合
│   ├── config-utility 配置工具
│   ├── example-api
│   ├── example-raw-jdbc
│   ├── example-spring-jpa
│   └── example-spring-mybatis
├── other-example 其他示例
│   └── shardingsphere-parser-example
├── shardingsphere-jdbc-example
│   ├── mixed-feature-example
│   │   └── sharding-readwrite-splitting-example
│   │   │   ├── sharding-readwrite-splitting-raw-jdbc-example
│   │   │   ├── sharding-readwrite-splitting-spring-boot-jpa-example
│   │   │   ├── sharding-readwrite-splitting-spring-boot-mybatis-example
│   │   │   ├── sharding-readwrite-splitting-spring-namespace-jpa-example
│   │   │   └── sharding-readwrite-splitting-spring-namespace-mybatis-example
│   └── single-feature-example
│   │   ├── cluster-mode-example 集群模式示例
│   │   │   ├── cluster-mode-raw-jdbc-example
│   │   │   ├── cluster-mode-spring-boot-mybatis-example
│   │   │   └── cluster-mode-spring-namespace-mybatis-example
│   │   ├── encrypt-example 加解密示例
│   │   │   ├── encrypt-raw-jdbc-example
│   │   │   ├── encrypt-spring-boot-mybatis-example
│   │   │   └── encrypt-spring-namespace-mybatis-example
│   │   ├── extension-example 扩展示例
│   │   │   └── custom-sharding-algortihm-example
│   │   │   │   ├── class-based-sharding-algorithm-example
│   │   │   │   └── spi-based-sharding-algorithm-example
│   │   ├── readwrite-splitting-example 读写分离示例
│   │   │   ├── readwrite-splitting-raw-jdbc-example
│   │   │   ├── readwrite-splitting-spring-boot-jpa-example
│   │   │   ├── readwrite-splitting-spring-boot-mybatis-example
│   │   │   ├── readwrite-splitting-spring-namespace-jpa-example
│   │   │   └── readwrite-splitting-spring-namespace-mybatis-example
│   │   ├── shadow-example
│   │   │   ├── shadow-raw-jdbc-example
│   │   │   ├── shadow-spring-boot-mybatis-example
│   │   │   └── shadow-spring-namespace-mybatis-example
│   │   ├── sharding-example 分片示例
│   │   │   ├── sharding-raw-jdbc-example
│   │   │   ├── sharding-spring-boot-jpa-example
│   │   │   ├── sharding-spring-boot-mybatis-example
│   │   │   ├── sharding-spring-namespace-jpa-example
│   │   │   └── sharding-spring-namespace-mybatis-example
│   │   └── transaction-example 事物示例
│   │   │   ├── transaction-2pc-xa-atomikos-raw-jdbc-example
│   │   │   ├── transaction-2pc-xa-bitronix-raw-jdbc-example
│   │   │   ├── transaction-2pc-xa-narayana-raw-jdbc-example
│   │   │   ├── transaction-2pc-xa-spring-boot-example
│   │   │   ├── transaction-2pc-xa-spring-namespace-example
│   │   │   ├── transaction-base-seata-raw-jdbc-example
│   │   │   └── transaction-base-seata-spring-boot-example
├── shardingsphere-proxy-example
│   ├── shardingsphere-proxy-boot-mybatis-example
│   ├── shardingsphere-proxy-distsql-example
│   └── shardingsphere-proxy-hint-example
├── shardingsphere-sample
│   ├── shardingsphere-example-generator
└── src/resources
  └── manual_schema.sql
## 3. 可用示例
| **例子** | **描述** |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| [分片](shardingsphere-jdbc-example/single-feature-example/sharding-example) | **演示通过 ShardingSphere-JDBC 进行分库、分表等** |
| [读写分离](shardingsphere-jdbc-example/mixed-feature-example/sharding-readwrite-splitting-example) | **演示在 ShardingSphere-JDBC 中使用读写分离** |
| [springboot jpa](shardingsphere-jdbc-example/single-feature-example/sharding-example/sharding-spring-boot-jpa-example) | **演示通过 SpringBoot JPA 对接 ShardingSphere-JDBC** |
| [springboot mybatis](shardingsphere-jdbc-example/single-feature-example/sharding-example/sharding-spring-boot-mybatis-example) | **演示通过 SpringBoot Mybatis 对接 ShardingSphere-JDBC** |
| [治理](shardingsphere-jdbc-example/single-feature-example/cluster-mode-example) | **演示在 ShardingSphere-JDBC 中使用治理** |
| [事务](shardingsphere-jdbc-example/single-feature-example/transaction-example) | **演示在 ShardingSphere-JDBC 中使用事务** |
| [hint](shardingsphere-jdbc-example/single-feature-example/sharding-example/sharding-raw-jdbc-example) | **演示在 ShardingSphere-JDBC 中使用 hint** |
| [加密](shardingsphere-jdbc-example/single-feature-example/encrypt-example) | **演示在 ShardingSphere-JDBC 中使用加密** |
| [DistSQL](shardingsphere-proxy-example/shardingsphere-proxy-distsql-example) | **演示在 ShardingSphere-Proxy 中使用 DistSQL** |
| **APM 监控(Pending)** | **演示在 ShardingSphere 中使用 APM 监控** |
| **proxy(Pending)** | **演示使用 ShardingSphere-Proxy** |
| [docker](./docker/ | **演示通过 docker 创建 ShardingSphere 所依赖的环境** |