#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Use this script to test if a given TCP host/port are available WAITFORIT_cmdname=${0##*/} echoerr() { if [[ $WAITFORIT_QUIET -ne 1 ]]; then echo "$@" 1>&2; fi } usage() { cat << USAGE >&2 Usage: $WAITFORIT_cmdname host:port [-s] [-t timeout] [-- command args] -h HOST | --host=HOST Host or IP under test -p PORT | --port=PORT TCP port under test Alternatively, you specify the host and port as host:port -s | --strict Only execute subcommand if the test succeeds -q | --quiet Don't output any status messages -t TIMEOUT | --timeout=TIMEOUT Timeout in seconds, zero for no timeout -- COMMAND ARGS Execute command with args after the test finishes USAGE exit 1 } wait_for() { if [[ $WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT -gt 0 ]]; then echoerr "$WAITFORIT_cmdname: waiting $WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT seconds for $WAITFORIT_HOST:$WAITFORIT_PORT" else echoerr "$WAITFORIT_cmdname: waiting for $WAITFORIT_HOST:$WAITFORIT_PORT without a timeout" fi WAITFORIT_start_ts=$(date +%s) while : do if [[ $WAITFORIT_ISBUSY -eq 1 ]]; then nc -z $WAITFORIT_HOST $WAITFORIT_PORT WAITFORIT_result=$? else (echo > /dev/tcp/$WAITFORIT_HOST/$WAITFORIT_PORT) >/dev/null 2>&1 WAITFORIT_result=$? fi if [[ $WAITFORIT_result -eq 0 ]]; then WAITFORIT_end_ts=$(date +%s) echoerr "$WAITFORIT_cmdname: $WAITFORIT_HOST:$WAITFORIT_PORT is available after $((WAITFORIT_end_ts - WAITFORIT_start_ts)) seconds" break fi sleep 1 done return $WAITFORIT_result } wait_for_wrapper() { # In order to support SIGINT during timeout: http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/57692 if [[ $WAITFORIT_QUIET -eq 1 ]]; then timeout $WAITFORIT_BUSYTIMEFLAG $WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT $0 --quiet --child --host=$WAITFORIT_HOST --port=$WAITFORIT_PORT --timeout=$WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT & else timeout $WAITFORIT_BUSYTIMEFLAG $WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT $0 --child --host=$WAITFORIT_HOST --port=$WAITFORIT_PORT --timeout=$WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT & fi WAITFORIT_PID=$! trap "kill -INT -$WAITFORIT_PID" INT wait $WAITFORIT_PID WAITFORIT_RESULT=$? if [[ $WAITFORIT_RESULT -ne 0 ]]; then echoerr "$WAITFORIT_cmdname: timeout occurred after waiting $WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT seconds for $WAITFORIT_HOST:$WAITFORIT_PORT" fi return $WAITFORIT_RESULT } # process arguments while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do case "$1" in *:* ) WAITFORIT_hostport=(${1//:/ }) WAITFORIT_HOST=${WAITFORIT_hostport[0]} WAITFORIT_PORT=${WAITFORIT_hostport[1]} shift 1 ;; --child) WAITFORIT_CHILD=1 shift 1 ;; -q | --quiet) WAITFORIT_QUIET=1 shift 1 ;; -s | --strict) WAITFORIT_STRICT=1 shift 1 ;; -h) WAITFORIT_HOST="$2" if [[ $WAITFORIT_HOST == "" ]]; then break; fi shift 2 ;; --host=*) WAITFORIT_HOST="${1#*=}" shift 1 ;; -p) WAITFORIT_PORT="$2" if [[ $WAITFORIT_PORT == "" ]]; then break; fi shift 2 ;; --port=*) WAITFORIT_PORT="${1#*=}" shift 1 ;; -t) WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT="$2" if [[ $WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT == "" ]]; then break; fi shift 2 ;; --timeout=*) WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT="${1#*=}" shift 1 ;; --) shift WAITFORIT_CLI=("$@") break ;; --help) usage ;; *) echoerr "Unknown argument: $1" usage ;; esac done if [[ "$WAITFORIT_HOST" == "" || "$WAITFORIT_PORT" == "" ]]; then echoerr "Error: you need to provide a host and port to test." usage fi WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT=${WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT:-15} WAITFORIT_STRICT=${WAITFORIT_STRICT:-0} WAITFORIT_CHILD=${WAITFORIT_CHILD:-0} WAITFORIT_QUIET=${WAITFORIT_QUIET:-0} # check to see if timeout is from busybox? WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT_PATH=$(type -p timeout) WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT_PATH=$(realpath $WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT_PATH 2>/dev/null || readlink -f $WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT_PATH) if [[ $WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT_PATH =~ "busybox" ]]; then WAITFORIT_ISBUSY=1 WAITFORIT_BUSYTIMEFLAG="-t" else WAITFORIT_ISBUSY=0 WAITFORIT_BUSYTIMEFLAG="" fi if [[ $WAITFORIT_CHILD -gt 0 ]]; then wait_for WAITFORIT_RESULT=$? exit $WAITFORIT_RESULT else if [[ $WAITFORIT_TIMEOUT -gt 0 ]]; then wait_for_wrapper WAITFORIT_RESULT=$? else wait_for WAITFORIT_RESULT=$? fi fi if [[ $WAITFORIT_CLI != "" ]]; then if [[ $WAITFORIT_RESULT -ne 0 && $WAITFORIT_STRICT -eq 1 ]]; then echoerr "$WAITFORIT_cmdname: strict mode, refusing to execute subprocess" exit $WAITFORIT_RESULT fi exec "${WAITFORIT_CLI[@]}" else exit $WAITFORIT_RESULT fi