You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

621 B


  • 微服务通信 - (RestTemplate/Ribbon/Feign/OpenFeign)
  • 微服务网关 - (Gateway)
  • 分布式链路、日志追踪 - (Sleuth + Zipkin)
    • todo
  • 微服务容错 - (SpringCloud Netflix Hystrix)
    • todo
  • 消息驱动微服务 - (SpringCloud Stream)
    • todo
  • 分布式事务 - (SpringCloud Alibaba Seata)
    • todo
  • 网关动态限流 - (SpringCloud Alibaba Sentinel)
    • todo
  • 微服务工程部署与整体可用性验证
    • todo