You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

152 lines
4.5 KiB

1 year ago
import { listToTree } from '@/utils/tree-utils'
import { firstUpperCase } from '@/utils/str-utils'
import type { SysMenuRouterVO } from '@/api/system/menu/types'
import type { RouteMeta, RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'
import { buildNotFoundRoute, ExceptionComponentImport } from '@/router/constant-routes'
type SysMenuRouterTree = SysMenuRouterVO & { key: number; children: SysMenuRouterTree[] }
// 动态组件模块
const dynamicViewModules = import.meta.glob('/src/views/**/*.{vue,tsx}')
// 根路由
const HOME_ROUTE: RouteRecordRaw = {
path: '/',
name: '/',
component: () => import('@/layouts/BasicLayout.vue'),
meta: {
keepAlive: false
children: []
export const generatorDynamicRouter = (userMenus: SysMenuRouterVO[]): RouteRecordRaw => {
const routes: RouteRecordRaw = { ...HOME_ROUTE }
// 后端数据, 根级树数组, 根级 PID
const menuTree = listToTree(userMenus, 0) as SysMenuRouterTree[]
1 year ago
routes.children = menuToRoutes(menuTree)
console.log('routes', routes)
1 year ago
return routes
const menuToRoutes = (menuTree: SysMenuRouterTree[], parent?: RouteRecordRaw) => {
return => {
// 内容打开方式
const targetType = item.targetType
let path = `${(parent && parent.path) || ''}/${item.path}`
// 路由名称,由路由地址生成,大驼峰形式
const name = path
.replace('-', '/')
.filter(x => x && x !== '')
.map(x => firstUpperCase(x))
const meta: RouteMeta = {
name: item.title,
icon: item.icon || undefined,
targetType: targetType
let component
switch (item.type) {
case 0:
// 目录类型组件, 固定使用 RouterLayout
component = () => import('@/layouts/RouterLayout.vue')
case 1:
// 菜单类型需要拼接组件地址
if (targetType === 1) {
// 内置组件
item.uri && (component = getComponent(item.uri))
} else if (targetType === 2) {
// 内嵌iframe = item.uri
component = () => import('@/views/basic/iframe/index.vue')
} else if (targetType === 3) {
// 外链
path = item.uri = item.uri
meta.hideInTab = true
// 是否设置了隐藏菜单
if (item.hidden === 1) {
meta.hideInMenu = true
// @ts-ignore
const currentRouter: RouteRecordRaw = {
// 如果路由设置了 path则作为默认 path否则 路由地址 动态拼接生成如 /dashboard/workplace
// 路由名称,建议唯一
// meta: 页面标题, 菜单图标, 页面权限(供指令权限用,可去掉)
// 组件
// 有子菜单则递归处理
if (item.children && item.children.length > 0) {
// 给子节点添加一个默认的 404 页面,以便在 content 中显示 404
currentRouter.children = menuToRoutes(item.children, currentRouter)
return currentRouter
* path
* @param currentRouter
function fillRedirect(currentRouter: RouteRecordRaw) {
if (!currentRouter.children) return
const redirectRouter = currentRouter.children.find(x => !x.meta?.hideInMenu)
redirectRouter && (currentRouter.redirect = redirectRouter.path)
* @param componentPath
const getComponent = function (componentPath: string) {
// 如果有后缀,直接返回
const isFullPath = componentPath.endsWith('.vue') || componentPath.endsWith('.tsx')
if (isFullPath) {
return dynamicViewModules[componentPath]
// 没有后缀的情况下,按顺序尝试加载
let viewModule = dynamicViewModules[`/src/views/${componentPath}.vue`]
if (!viewModule) {
viewModule = dynamicViewModules[`/src/views/${componentPath}/index.vue`]
if (!viewModule) {
viewModule = dynamicViewModules[`/src/views/${componentPath}.tsx`]
if (!viewModule) {
viewModule = dynamicViewModules[`/src/views/${componentPath}/index.tsx`]
if (!viewModule) {
import.meta.env.DEV &&
'在src/views/下找不到`' +
componentPath +
'.vue` 或 `' +
componentPath +
'.tsx`, 请自行创建!'
1 year ago
viewModule = ExceptionComponentImport
return viewModule