You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

205 lines
5.6 KiB

1 year ago
import type { VueKey, VueText } from '#/types'
import type { SortOrder } from 'ant-design-vue/es/table/interface'
import type {
} from '../typing'
import type { TablePaginationConfig } from 'ant-design-vue'
import type { IntlType } from '#/provider'
import { arrayMoveImmutable } from '#/utils/array-move'
import type { Ref } from 'vue'
* props props
export function mergePagination<T>(
pagination: TablePaginationConfig | boolean | undefined,
pageInfo: UseFetchDataAction<T>['pageInfo'] & {
setPageInfo: any
intl: IntlType
): TablePaginationConfig | false | undefined {
if (pagination === false) {
return false
const { total, current, pageSize, setPageInfo } = pageInfo
const defaultPagination: TablePaginationConfig = typeof pagination === 'object' ? pagination : {}
return {
showTotal: (all, range) =>
`${intl.getMessage('', '第')} ${range[0]}-${range[1]} ${intl.getMessage(
)} ${all} ${intl.getMessage('', '条')}`,
...(defaultPagination as TablePaginationConfig),
showSizeChanger: true,
onChange: (page: number, newPageSize?: number) => {
const { onChange } = pagination as TablePaginationConfig
onChange?.(page, newPageSize || 10)
// pageSize 改变之后就没必要切换页码
if (newPageSize !== pageSize || current !== page) {
setPageInfo({ pageSize: newPageSize, current: page })
* action
export function useActionType<T>(
ref: Ref<ActionType | undefined>,
action: UseFetchDataAction<T>,
props: {
fullScreen: () => void
onCleanSelected: () => void
resetAll: () => void
editableUtils: any
) {
/** 这里生成action的映射保证 action 总是使用的最新 只需要渲染一次即可 */
const userAction: ActionType = {
pageInfo: action.pageInfo,
reload: async (resetPageIndex?: boolean) => {
// 如果为 true回到第一页
if (resetPageIndex) {
await action.setPageInfo({
current: 1
reloadAndRest: async () => {
// reload 之后大概率会切换数据,清空一下选择。
await action.setPageInfo({
current: 1
await action?.reload()
reset: async () => {
await props.resetAll()
await action?.reset?.()
await action?.reload()
fullScreen: () => props.fullScreen(),
clearSelected: () => props.onCleanSelected(),
// @ts-ignore
setPageInfo: rest => action.setPageInfo(rest)
ref.value = userAction
type PostDataType<T> = (data: T) => T
* pipeline
* @param data
* @param pipeline
export function postDataPipeline<T>(data: T, pipeline: PostDataType<T>[]) {
if (pipeline.filter(item => item).length < 1) {
return data
return pipeline.reduce((pre, postData) => {
return postData(pre)
}, data)
export const isBordered = (borderType: BorderedType, border?: Bordered) => {
if (border === undefined) {
return false
// debugger
if (typeof border === 'boolean') {
return border
return border[borderType]
export const isMergeCell = (
dom: any // 如果是合并单元格的,直接返回对象
) => dom && typeof dom === 'object' && dom?.props?.colSpan
* key dataIndex id
* @param key key
* @param index
export const genColumnKey = (key?: VueKey | undefined, index?: number): string => {
if (key) {
return Array.isArray(key) ? key.join('-') : key.toString()
return `${index}`
* ProTable - column - dataIndex
* @param dataIndex Column dataIndex
function parseDataIndex(dataIndex: ProColumnType['dataIndex']): string | undefined {
if (Array.isArray(dataIndex)) {
return dataIndex.join(',')
return dataIndex?.toString()
* ProColumns
* @param columns ProColumns
export function parseDefaultColumnConfig<T, Value>(columns: ProColumns<T, Value>[]) {
const filter: Record<string, VueText[] | null> = {}
const sort: Record<string, SortOrder> = {}
columns.forEach(column => {
// 转换 dataIndex
const dataIndex = parseDataIndex(column.dataIndex)
if (!dataIndex) {
// 当 column 启用 filters 功能时,取出默认的筛选值
if (column.filters) {
const defaultFilteredValue = column.defaultFilteredValue as VueText[]
if (defaultFilteredValue === undefined) {
filter[dataIndex] = null
} else {
filter[dataIndex] = column.defaultFilteredValue as VueText[]
// 当 column 启用 sorter 功能时,取出默认的排序值
if (column.sorter && column.defaultSortOrder) {
sort[dataIndex] = column.defaultSortOrder!
return { sort, filter }
export type SortDataParams = { oldIndex: number; newIndex: number }
* @param oldIndex
* @param newIndex
* @param data
export function sortData<T>({ oldIndex, newIndex }: SortDataParams, data: T[]): T[] | null {
if (oldIndex !== newIndex) {
const newData = arrayMoveImmutable([...(data || [])], oldIndex, newIndex).filter(el => !!el)
return [...newData]
return null