You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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6.4 KiB

1 year ago
import type { NamePath } from 'ant-design-vue/es/form/interface'
import type { VueKey, VueNode, VueText } from '#/types'
import type { FormInstance, FormItemProps } from 'ant-design-vue'
import type {
} from './types'
import type { ProSchemaValueEnumMap, ProSchemaValueEnumObj } from '#/provider'
import type { LabelTooltipType } from '#/table/typing'
export type PageInfo = {
pageSize: number
total: number
current: number
export type { ProFieldValueType, ProFieldValueTypeWithFieldProps }
export type RequestOptionsType = {
label?: VueNode
value?: VueText
/** 渲染的节点类型 */
optionType?: 'optGroup' | 'option'
options?: Omit<RequestOptionsType, 'children' | 'optionType'>[]
[key: string]: any
export type ProFieldRequestData<U = any> = (params: U, props: any) => Promise<RequestOptionsType[]>
export type ProFieldTextType = VueNode | VueNode[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[]
export type SearchTransformKeyFn = (
value: any,
namePath: string,
allValues: any
) => string | Record<string, any>
export type SearchConvertKeyFn = (value: any, field: NamePath) => string | Record<string, any>
export type ProTableEditableFnType<T> = (value: any, record: T, index: number) => boolean
// 支持的变形,还未完全支持完毕
/** 支持的变形,还未完全支持完毕 */
export type ProSchemaComponentTypes =
| 'form'
| 'list'
| 'descriptions'
| 'table'
| 'cardList'
| undefined
/** 操作类型 */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
export type ProCoreActionType<T = {}> = {
/** @name 刷新 */
reload: (resetPageIndex?: boolean) => Promise<void>
/** @name 刷新并清空,只清空页面,不包括表单 */
reloadAndRest?: () => Promise<void>
/** @name 重置任何输入项,包括表单 */
reset?: () => void
/** @name 清空选择 */
clearSelected?: () => void
/** @name p页面的信息都在里面 */
pageInfo?: PageInfo
} & T
/** 各个组件公共支持的 render */
export type ProSchema<
Entity = Record<string, any>,
ExtraProps = unknown,
ComponentsType = ProSchemaComponentTypes,
ValueType = 'text',
ExtraFormItemProps = unknown
> = {
/** @name 确定这个列的唯一值,一般用于 dataIndex 重复的情况 */
key?: VueKey
* [a,b] obj.a.b
* @name key
dataIndex?: string | number | (string | number)[]
* ReactNode
* @name
| ((schema: ProSchema<Entity, ExtraProps>, type: ComponentsType, dom: VueNode) => VueNode)
| VueNode
/** @name 展示一个 iconhover 是展示一些提示信息 */
tooltip?: LabelTooltipType | string
/** @deprecated 你可以使用 tooltip这个更改是为了与 antd 统一 */
tip?: string
* object MapMap key
* @name
| ((row: Entity) => ProSchemaValueEnumObj | ProSchemaValueEnumMap)
| ProSchemaValueEnumObj
| ProSchemaValueEnumMap
* @name formItemProps
| (FormItemProps & ExtraFormItemProps)
| ((
form: FormInstance,
config: ProSchema<Entity, ExtraProps> & {
type: ComponentsType
isEditable?: boolean
rowKey?: string
rowIndex: number
entity: Entity
) => FormItemProps & ExtraFormItemProps)
* valueType
* @name render
renderText?: (text: any, record: Entity, index: number, action: ProCoreActionType) => any
* Render 使 renderFormItem
* @name dom
render?: (
dom: VueNode,
entity: Entity,
index: number,
action: ProCoreActionType | undefined,
schema: ProSchema<Entity, ExtraProps, ComponentsType, ValueType> & {
isEditable?: boolean
type: ComponentsType
) =>
| VueNode
| {
children: VueNode
props: any
* ReactNode value onChange
* @name
renderFormItem?: (
schema: ProSchema<Entity, ExtraProps, ComponentsType, ValueType> & {
isEditable?: boolean
index?: number
type: ComponentsType
originProps?: any
config: {
onSelect?: (value: any) => void
onChange?: <T = any>(value: T) => void
value?: any
type: ComponentsType
recordKey?: VueKey | VueKey[]
record?: Entity
isEditable?: boolean
defaultRender: (
newItem: ProSchema<Entity, ExtraProps, ComponentsType, ValueType>
) => JSX.Element | null
form: FormInstance,
action?: any
// action?: Omit<
// UseEditableUtilType,
// 'newLineRecord' | 'editableKeys' | 'actionRender' | 'setEditableRowKeys'
// >
) => VueNode
* @name
* @example
* editable=false
* @example id=1
* editable={(value,row,index)=> !==1 }
editable?: false | ProTableEditableFnType<Entity>
/** @name 从服务器请求枚举 */
request?: ProFieldRequestData
/** @name request防抖动时间 默认10 单位ms */
debounceTime?: number
/** @name 从服务器请求的参数,改变了会触发 reload */
| ((record: Entity, column: ProSchema<Entity, ExtraProps>) => Record<string, any>)
| Record<string, any>
/** @name 依赖字段的name暂时只在拥有 request 的项目中生效,会自动注入到 params 中 */
dependencies?: NamePath[]
/** @name 在 descriptions 隐藏 */
hideInDescriptions?: boolean
/** @name 在 Form 中隐藏 */
hideInForm?: boolean
/** @name 在 table 中隐藏 */
hideInTable?: boolean
/** @name 在 table的查询表单 中隐藏 */
hideInSearch?: boolean
/** 设置到 ProField 上面的 Props内部属性 */
proFieldProps?: ProFieldProps
} & ExtraProps &
ValueTypeWithFieldProps<Entity, ComponentsType, ExtraProps, ValueType>
export interface ProFieldProps {
light?: boolean
emptyText?: VueNode
label?: VueNode
mode?: 'read' | 'edit'
/** 这个属性可以设置useSwr的key */
proFieldKey?: string
render?: any
readonly?: boolean