You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1 year ago
import './index.less'
import { reactiveOmit } from '@vueuse/core'
import type { VueNodeOrRender } from '#/types'
import type { RouteContextType } from '../../RouteContext'
import type { CSSProperties, PropType, VNode } from 'vue'
import { VueNodeOrRenderPropType } from '#/types'
import { getPrefixCls, routeContextInjectKey } from '../../RouteContext'
export type FooterToolbarProps = {
extra?: VueNodeOrRender
renderContent?: (
props: FooterToolbarProps & RouteContextType & { leftWidth?: string },
dom: JSX.Element
) => VNode
prefixCls?: string
const FooterToolbar = defineComponent({
props: {
extra: VueNodeOrRenderPropType as PropType<VueNodeOrRender>,
renderContent: {
type: Function as PropType<FooterToolbarProps['renderContent']>,
default: undefined
prefixCls: { type: String, default: undefined }
setup(props, { slots, attrs }) {
const routeContext = inject(routeContextInjectKey, {})
const prefixCls = props.prefixCls || getPrefixCls('pro')
const baseClassName = `${prefixCls}-footer-bar`
const width = computed<string | undefined>(() => {
if (!routeContext.hasSiderMenu) {
return undefined
// 0 or undefined
if (!routeContext.siderWidth) {
return '100%'
return routeContext.isMobile ? '100%' : `calc(100% - ${routeContext.siderWidth}px)`
/** 告诉 props 是否存在 footerBar */
onMounted(() => routeContext?.setHasFooterToolbar?.(true))
onUnmounted(() => routeContext?.setHasFooterToolbar?.(false))
return () => {
const dom = (
<div class={`${baseClassName}-left`}>{props.extra}</div>
<div class={`${baseClassName}-right`}>{slots.default?.()}</div>
return (
class={[attrs.class, `${baseClassName}`]}
style={{ width: width.value, ...( as CSSProperties) }}
// @ts-ignore
{...reactiveOmit(restProps, 'prefixCls', 'ex')}
? props.renderContent(
leftWidth: width.value
: dom}
export default FooterToolbar