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import './index.less'
import { menuProps } from 'ant-design-vue/es/menu/src/Menu'
import { pureSettingsProps, defaultSettings } from '../../defaultSettings'
import { isImg, isUrl } from '../../utils/checkUtils'
import { Menu, Skeleton } from 'ant-design-vue'
import Icon, { createFromIconfontCN } from '@ant-design/icons-vue'
import type { MenuDataItem, MessageDescriptor, WithFalse } from '../../types'
import type { MenuProps, MenuTheme } from 'ant-design-vue'
import type { MenuItemRender, SubMenuItemRender } from '../../renderTypes'
import type { PropType, ExtractPropTypes } from 'vue'
import type { SelectEventHandler, SelectInfo } from 'ant-design-vue/es/menu/src/interface'
import type { Key } from 'ant-design-vue/es/_util/type'
import type { RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded } from 'vue-router'
import omit from 'ant-design-vue/es/_util/omit'
import { WithFalseVueNodeOrRenderPropType } from '#/types'
import type { VueNodeOrRender } from '#/types'
import { redirectPath } from '@/config'
import AntIcon from '#/layout/components/AntIcon/index'
export const baseMenuProps = () => ({
...omit(menuProps(), ['openKeys', 'onOpenChange']),
/** 默认的是否展开,会受到 breakpoint 的影响 */
defaultCollapsed: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
collapsed: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
splitMenus: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
isMobile: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
menuData: Array as PropType<MenuDataItem[]>,
onCollapse: Function as PropType<(collapsed: boolean) => void>,
openKeys: [Array, Boolean] as PropType<WithFalse<string[]> | undefined>,
handleOpenChange: Function as PropType<(openKeys: Key[]) => void>,
iconPrefixes: String,
/** 要给菜单的props, 参考antd-menu的属性。 */
menuProps: Object as PropType<MenuProps>,
theme: String as PropType<MenuTheme>,
formatMessage: Function as PropType<(message: MessageDescriptor) => string>,
* 处理父级菜单的 props可以复写菜单的点击功能一般用于埋点
* @see 子级的菜单要使用 menuItemRender 来处理
* @example 使用 a 标签跳转到特殊的地址 subMenuItemRender={(item, defaultDom) => { return <a onClick={()=> history.push(item.path) }>{defaultDom}</a> }}
* @example 增加埋点 subMenuItemRender={(item, defaultDom) => { return <a onClick={()=> }>{defaultDom}</a> }}
subMenuItemRender: WithFalseVueNodeOrRenderPropType as PropType<SubMenuItemRender>,
* 处理菜单的 props可以复写菜单的点击功能一般结合 Router 框架使用
* @see 非子级的菜单要使用 subMenuItemRender 来处理
* @example 使用 a 标签 menuItemRender={(item, defaultDom) => { return <a onClick={()=> history.push(item.path) }>{defaultDom}</a> }}
* @example 使用 Link 标签 menuItemRender={(item, defaultDom) => { return <Link to={item.path}>{defaultDom}</Link> }}
menuItemRender: WithFalseVueNodeOrRenderPropType as PropType<MenuItemRender>,
* 处理 menuData 的方法,与 menuDataRender 不同postMenuData处理完成后会直接渲染不再进行国际化和拼接处理
* @example 增加菜单图标 postMenuData={(menuData) => { return => { return { ...item, icon: <Icon type={item.icon} /> } }) }}
postMenuData: {
type: Function as PropType<(menusData?: MenuDataItem[]) => MenuDataItem[]>,
default: (data?: MenuDataItem[]) => data || []
export type BaseMenuProps = Partial<ExtractPropTypes<ReturnType<typeof baseMenuProps>>>
let IconFont = createFromIconfontCN({
scriptUrl: defaultSettings.iconfontUrl
// Allow menu.js config icon as string or ReactNode
// icon: 'setting',
// icon: 'icon-geren' #For Iconfont ,
// icon: '',
// icon: '/favicon.png',
// icon: <Icon type="setting" />,
const getIcon = (icon?: string | VueNodeOrRender, iconPrefixes = 'icon-'): VueNodeOrRender => {
if (typeof icon === 'string' && icon !== '') {
if (isUrl(icon) || isImg(icon)) {
return (
<Icon component={() => <img src={icon} alt="icon" class="ant-pro-sider-menu-icon" />} />
if (icon.startsWith(iconPrefixes)) {
return <IconFont type={icon} />
// @ts-ignore
return <AntIcon type={icon} />
return icon
class MenuUtil {
constructor(props: BaseMenuProps) {
this.props = props
props: BaseMenuProps
getNavMenuItems = (menusData: MenuDataItem[] = [], isChildren: boolean) => => this.getSubMenuOrItem(item, isChildren)).filter(item => item)
/** Get SubMenu or Item */
getSubMenuOrItem = (item: MenuDataItem, isChildren: boolean): any => {
const children = item?.children || item?.routes
if (Array.isArray(children) && children.length > 0) {
const name = this.getIntlName(item)
const { subMenuItemRender, prefixCls, menu, iconPrefixes } = this.props
// get defaultTitle by menuItemRender
const defaultTitle = item.icon ? (
<span class={`${prefixCls}-menu-item`} title={name}>
{getIcon(item.icon, iconPrefixes)}
<span class={`${prefixCls}-menu-item-title`}>{name}</span>
) : (
<span class={`${prefixCls}-menu-item`} title={name}>
// subMenu only title render
const title = subMenuItemRender
? subMenuItemRender({ ...item, isUrl: false }, defaultTitle, this.props)
: defaultTitle
const MenuParent = menu?.type === 'group' ? Menu.ItemGroup : Menu.SubMenu
return (
<MenuParent key={item.key || item.path} title={title} onTitleClick={item.onTitleClick}>
{this.getNavMenuItems(children, true)}
return (
key={item.key || item.path}
onClick={(e: Event) => {
if (isUrl(item?.path)) {, '_blank')
default: () => this.getMenuItemPath(item),
icon: () => getIcon(item.icon, this.props.iconPrefixes)
getIntlName = (item: MenuDataItem) => {
const { name, locale } = item
const { menu, formatMessage } = this.props
if (locale && menu?.locale !== false) {
return formatMessage?.({
id: locale,
defaultMessage: name
return name
* 判断是否是http链接.返回 Link 或 a Judge whether it is http link.return a or Link
* @memberof SiderMenu
getMenuItemPath = (item: MenuDataItem): VueNodeOrRender => {
const itemPath = this.conversionPath(item.path || '/')
// TODO 这个 location 的传递问题
//const { location = { pathname: '/' } } = this.props
const location = { pathname: '/' }
// if local is true formatMessage all name。
const name = this.getIntlName(item)
const { prefixCls } = this.props
const isHttpUrl = isUrl(itemPath)
const defaultItem = (
<span class={[`${prefixCls}-menu-item`, { [`${prefixCls}-menu-item-link`]: isHttpUrl }]}>
<span class={`${prefixCls}-menu-item-title`}>{name}</span>
if (this.props.menuItemRender) {
const renderItemProps = {
isUrl: isHttpUrl,
isMobile: this.props.isMobile,
replace: itemPath === location.pathname,
onClick: () => {
if (isHttpUrl)
if (this.props.onCollapse) this.props.onCollapse(true)
children: undefined
return this.props.menuItemRender(renderItemProps, defaultItem, this.props)
return defaultItem
conversionPath = (path: string) => {
if (path && path.indexOf('http') === 0) {
return path
return `/${path || ''}`.replace(/\/+/g, '/')
function getOpenKeys(props: BaseMenuProps, route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded) {
// 折叠的时候,或者 top 菜单模式的时候openKeys 需要置空
if (!props.collapsed && ['side', 'mix'].includes(props.layout || 'mix')) {
return route.matched.filter(r => r.path !== route.path && r.path !== '/').map(r => r.path)
return []
export default defineComponent({
name: 'BaseMenu',
inheritAttrs: false,
props: baseMenuProps(),
setup(props, { attrs }) {
// TODO defaultOpenAll 支持,目前 react 版本的示例中是无效果的,所以这里暂时不处理
// const initOpenKeys = () => {
// if ( {
// return getOpenKeysFromMenuData(props.menuData) || []
// }
// return props.openKeys || []
// }
// 根据路由赋值当前选中和打开的菜单
const route = useRoute()
const localOpenKeys = ref<Key[]>([])
const localSelectedKeys = ref<string[]>([])
watchEffect(() => {
// 进行 redirect 的时候不处理,如果要把高级组件剥离,这个前缀不能写死需要透传过来
if (route.path.startsWith(redirectPath)) return
localOpenKeys.value = getOpenKeys(props, route)
localSelectedKeys.value = route.matched.filter(x => x.path !== '/').map(x => x.path)
// 选中菜单的时候进行路由切换
const router = useRouter()
const handleSelect: SelectEventHandler = (args: SelectInfo): void => {
// 忽略外链类型
if (isUrl(args.key as string)) {
router.push(args.key as string)
localSelectedKeys.value = args.selectedKeys as string[]
// emit('update:selectedKeys', args.selectedKeys)
// 打开菜单时候的触发事件 TODO 支持排他展开
const defaultHandleOpenChange = (openKeys: Key[]) => {
localOpenKeys.value = openKeys
const handleOpenChange = props.handleOpenChange ?? defaultHandleOpenChange
watchEffect(() => {
// reset IconFont
if (props.iconfontUrl) {
IconFont = createFromIconfontCN({
scriptUrl: props.iconfontUrl
const cls = computed(() => [attrs.class, { 'top-nav-menu': props.mode === 'horizontal' }])
// sync props
const menuUtils = new MenuUtil(props)
return () => {
if ( {
return (
? { padding: 24 }
: {
marginTop: 16
rows: props.mode?.includes('inline') ? 6 : 1
const finallyData = props.postMenuData ? props.postMenuData(props.menuData) : props.menuData
if (finallyData && finallyData?.length < 1) {
return null
return (
{menuUtils.getNavMenuItems(finallyData, false)}